Night Bedroom
Night Bedroom

acrylic on canvas, 16X20

Peter and Tod
Peter and Tod

acrylic on canvas, 16X20


acrylic on canvas, 16X20

Morning Lounging
Morning Lounging

acrylic on canvas, 20X16


acrylic on canvas, 16X20

Sushi Supper, 2017
Sushi Supper, 2017

Acrylic on canvas, 16X20

Light on Shade
Light on Shade

acrylic on canvas, 16X20


acrylic on canva-paper, 16X20

The Neighbors
The Neighbors

acrylic on gesso board, 20X16

The House Above Us
The House Above Us

acrylic on gesso board, 20X16

Pool (After Hockney)
Pool (After Hockney)

acrylic on canva-paper, 32X20

Pool Patio, Nichols Canyon
Pool Patio, Nichols Canyon

acrylic on canva-paper, 24X16


acrylic on canvas panel, 20X16


acrylic on canva-paper, 16X20

Bougainvillea II
Bougainvillea II

acrylic on canva-paper, 16X20

The Garden and the Grill
The Garden and the Grill

acrylic on canva-paper, 16X20

Breakfast Table
Breakfast Table

acrylic on canva-paper, 16X20

Morning Light and Shadow
Morning Light and Shadow

acrylic on canva-paper, 16X20

Kubota Garden
Kubota Garden

acrylic on canvas mounted on panel, 20X16

Beach Garden, 2017
Beach Garden, 2017

oil on canvas mounted on panel, 30X24

Kitchen Garden II
Kitchen Garden II

oil on gesso board, 40X32

Wedding Site
Wedding Site

oil on canvas, 12X8

Kitchen Garden
Kitchen Garden

oil on canvas mounted on panel, 24X20

Night Bedroom
Peter and Tod
Morning Lounging
Sushi Supper, 2017
Light on Shade
The Neighbors
The House Above Us
Pool (After Hockney)
Pool Patio, Nichols Canyon
Bougainvillea II
The Garden and the Grill
Breakfast Table
Morning Light and Shadow
Kubota Garden
Beach Garden, 2017
Kitchen Garden II
Wedding Site
Kitchen Garden
Night Bedroom

acrylic on canvas, 16X20

Peter and Tod

acrylic on canvas, 16X20


acrylic on canvas, 16X20

Morning Lounging

acrylic on canvas, 20X16


acrylic on canvas, 16X20

Sushi Supper, 2017

Acrylic on canvas, 16X20

Light on Shade

acrylic on canvas, 16X20


acrylic on canva-paper, 16X20

The Neighbors

acrylic on gesso board, 20X16

The House Above Us

acrylic on gesso board, 20X16

Pool (After Hockney)

acrylic on canva-paper, 32X20

Pool Patio, Nichols Canyon

acrylic on canva-paper, 24X16


acrylic on canvas panel, 20X16


acrylic on canva-paper, 16X20

Bougainvillea II

acrylic on canva-paper, 16X20

The Garden and the Grill

acrylic on canva-paper, 16X20

Breakfast Table

acrylic on canva-paper, 16X20

Morning Light and Shadow

acrylic on canva-paper, 16X20

Kubota Garden

acrylic on canvas mounted on panel, 20X16

Beach Garden, 2017

oil on canvas mounted on panel, 30X24

Kitchen Garden II

oil on gesso board, 40X32

Wedding Site

oil on canvas, 12X8

Kitchen Garden

oil on canvas mounted on panel, 24X20

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